Thursday, January 26, 2012

Words of Wisdom....Thursday!

I'm a day late and a dollar short on this week's "Words of Wisdom Wednesday" but hey, better late than never right?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Making the dog?

Hey all! It's been awhile since I blogged! I think I go through spurts where I feel like writing and then I go in spurts where I don't. I've had a cold that has dragged me down and made me in somewhat of a "blah" mood so I'm sure that has something to do with it. On days like that I'm sure I would just depress everyone who read this. HA

So in my recovery news everything is pretty status quo. I'm going to meetings, doing my step work, and starting to try to take a more active role in our recovery community. My sponsor told me that it's time I pick a home group so I think I've figured that out. I belong to a great group of women in recovery and they have all been a great help on this journey of mine and I'm so grateful to them every single day. That will become my home group so basically I will do more service work, etc. for that group. It's a good way to be kept accountable. We also started this past weekend doing a Big Book study in which we are literally going through the Big Book page by page. I'm loving this group so far and look forward to going again next Sunday!

As for step work I am to the dreaded Step 9 - making amends. Now, I've definitely said I'm sorry more times over the past 9 months than I ever have in my life - and MEANT it when I said it. But making amends it a lot more than that. It's not only saying "I'm sorry" but it's saying "I was wrong" which is a big thing. Most people are tired of hearing "I'm sorry." Starting with "I was wrong" is a whole different meaning. To then go into everything you did that was wrong to these people and tell them your part in it ("I was selfish when I did "x"", etc.) is a really huge deal. I have to say this one is a little scary for me. Maybe it shouldn't be and I think some will be easier than others but damn. It will be very humbling for sure which is part of the point of this step. I know that I will feel some freedom once I do these amends so in a way I am looking forward to them. I joked with my sponsor, "Can I start with the dog? I feel he will be a good listener. And really, what can he say back that is bad? I owe him some apologies!" HAHA So, Rocko, you will be the first of a long list of amends that need to be made. Prepare yourself.

One of my friends that I met at rehab is coming tomorrow to stay for a couple of days - I am beyond excited!!! It's amazing the friends that you can make while in rehab. I went in thinking, "Oh I do NOT get along with women. THis is going to be horrible!," to coming out with some amazing friendships. You kind of go to hell and back with these women in a way. Unfortunately I have to say that most of the girls I was in rehab with just 8 short months ago have relapsed. Some relapsed and then got back into the program, some relapsed and have not yet found their way, some are trying "controlled drinking" (which really, if you can do that then in my opinion you aren't truly an alcoholic), and there are a few who are still doing the deal and are clean and sober. I pray for these ladies every single night and love each and every one of them even those who have not yet found their way. Anyway, my friend who is coming tomorrow is still going strong on her sober journey so we have great plans to eat junk food, watch trashy reality TV, and live in sweats for the next couple of days. Doesn't this sound grand??? I think so. :)

I am becoming a bit obsessed again with decorating our house. We had only lived in our new house for about 3 months before I started decorating for fall then straight into Christmas. So now house looks bare!!! Time to get back in the game. More to come on that!

Oh, and I got my hair colored for the first time! Damn you gray hairs. I am 30 and have them. Thanks mother. HA It's a little darker than it was before and I love it! CHEESE!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just Me, Being Me

I've recently seen some bloggers revamping their "About Me" sections or writing posts letting you know a little more about them. I decided to go ahead and throw one of these posts on here because I know a lot of you who read my blog don't know me in real life. Those who do, well you probably know most of this so just play along :) How about 30 random things about me in no particular order...

1. I bite my lips horribly until they have huge spots on them. I hate this habit.
2. I am the oldest of technically 5. I have a stepsister, 2 half sisters, and a brother. You can't even imagine my family tree.
3. Teen Mom has become a guilty pleasure of mine. Oh the shame...
4. I wash my face and take my eye makeup off every single night before bed without fail no matter what.
5. I was tanorexic in my early 20's. A habit I have since remedied and am now obsessed with sunscreen and hats.
6. I am watching the Golden Globe red carpet right now. I adore these shows.
7. I want to be friends with Zooey Deschanel. How fun does she seem??
8. I can make almost any baked good perfectly and make some mean meals but I always struggle with making rice. What is up with that?
9. I have a BS in Advertising/PR but was originally a Psychology major. Wish I would have stuck with that.
10. I got chicken pox the night of my first grade program in which I was to sing a solo - Zip-a-dee doo-da and I BEGGED my mother to let me go. She didn't. I think this was the start of my childhoold demise. HA
11. I am a total neat freak though looking at my room in high school you would never think this could happen.
12. I have been friends with my best friend for coming up on 26 years. We met in kindergarten and the rest has been history. We could write SEVERAL books I'm sure.
13. I went to rehab in Nashville, Tennessee and adore going back there as an alumni.
14. I LOVE sparkly things. If you look in my closet the majority of my shoes, clothes, hats, etc. have some sort of bling on them. I will never outgrow this.
15. I ran cross country all 4 years of high school and received the MVP award 3 of those 4 years.
16. I wear onion goggles when I chop onions. Look them up - they are for real and necessary.
17. I can watch Knocked Up and Forgetting Sarah Marshall over and over again.
18. I love sending REAL mail. Letters, cards, thank you notes, packages - anything.
19. I used to take voice lessons and play the piano.
20. Since rehab I have become addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. Could be worse I suppose.
21. I have always had an obsession with the Royal Family. When I was a child I was just sure that I would one day marry Prince William. HA
22. I had braces in high school
23. I faint very easily and have "white coat syndrome". I've passed out at the gynecologist, family doctor, chiropractor, orthodontist, home, school - you name it.
24. I absolutely hate scary movies. I hide my eyes or change the channel anytime a preview even comes on. I'm a wuss.
25. I have a bracelet that says "I kiss my bulldog on the lips." And I do. HA
26. I can't stand to wear high heels. I used to live in them.
27. I never wanted to have kids. I still do not want to have biological children and I'm 30. Two stepchildren and being legal guardian of my little sister is good enough for me!
28. My father died at age 45 when I was just 22 years old.
29. I still have all 4 of my grandparents living. Pretty rare for a 30 year old!
30. I get extremely motion sick even in the front seat of a car sometimes. Super annoying.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Recipe and a Read

It's been awhile since I posted and I am not really sure why. Probably because things have been pretty status quo around here.

My precious little Rocko had surgery yesterday morning and had to stay overnight at the vet. I was traumatized by this. I'm sure HE was fine, but me? Not so much. HA He is now home recovering with the cone of shame and some baby socks to cover his wounds. Doesn't he look embarrassed? He probably wouldn't be if I wouldn't take pictures of him like this to show the world.
I have been reading a lot of books lately. This is one that I asked to receive for Christmas and it did NOT disappoint. My husband and I are St. Louis Cardinals baseball fans but awhile ago when I heard a little bit of Texas Ranger Josh Hamilton's story, I quickly became a fan of his. This book is a firsthand account of his life from childhood. Though obviously there is a lot of baseball talk in here, the meat of the story is a very honest account of where his addiction demons took him and how he overcame them. He goes into detail about how he lived his life then and how he lives his life now. The excerpt that I read awhile back making me want to read this book can be found by clicking this link: This is just an excerpt of his story. And if that doesn't make you want to get this book then I don't know what will. I read it in two nights. It's a very easy read and it left me wanting more. This just emphasizes the fact that addiction is a powerful disease and does not discriminate. It can completely take over your life no matter how talented you are, no matter how much money you have, and no matter how much support you have at home. I kind of want to read this book again just talking about it. HA

And finally for a recipe. We are trying to eat healthier with the new year. And my husband has entered into a "biggest loser" type contest at his work, so it's ON. HA A lady that he works with has an amazing recipe for Red Beans & Rice which we love so I made that tonight. It makes a lot so it's great for leftovers and it's pretty easy to make. I made it a little healthier by using brown rice, turkey sausage and reduced sodium beans. I omit the green peppers but you can definitely add to and omit to this basic recipe as you please. So here you go:

Red Beans & Rice:


1 cup uncooked rice
1 (16 ounce) package turkey kielbasa, cut diagonally into 1/4 inch slices (I use 2 packages...just our preference)
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 clove chopped garlic
2 (15 ounce) cans canned kidney beans, drained
1 (16 ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, chopped
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Cajun Seasoning (to taste)


In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
In a large skillet over low heat, cook sausage for 5 minutes. Stir in onion, green pepper and garlic; saute until tender. Pour in beans and tomatoes with juice. Season with oregano, salt and pepper. Add Cajun Seasoning according to taste. Simmer uncovered for 20 minutes. Serve over rice.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm a Bookworm: A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown

Here is something you may not know about me - I'm a bookworm. I have ALWAYS been a bookworm. I learned to read very young and truly enjoyed it. I used to save my allowance for books when I was little. Still to this day one of my favorite places to be is in a bookstore. I especially love a good used bookstore - the smell of old musty books is intoxicating to me in a good way. I've read some really great books lately so I want to start sharing those on this blog. I like all types of books so you never know what I might come up with on here!

Yes, the author's name is Cupcake Brown. You will understand once you read the book. Don't let this book cover full you into thinking this is some bubbly fun chick-lit book. This is a memoir and it is so incredibly REAL and honest. There are a lot of heavy subjects covered in this book. Just take a look at an excerpt from the back:

"There are shelves of memoirs about overcoming the death of a parent, childhood abuse, rape, drug addiction, miscarriage, alcoholism, hustling, gangbanging, near-death injuries, drug dealing, prostitution, or homelessness.

Cupcake Brown survived all these things before she’d even turned twenty.

And that’s when things got interesting…."

This is honestly one of the best books I have read in a really long time. To hear her story and how successful she is now is incredible. Go get this. NOW.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting Outside of Myself

Today has been a waste. Okay, not a waste...I remained sober, went to therapy, went to my sister's therapy with her and even managed to order a pizza. HA! But I haven't felt well today so I've spent most of the day in sweats curled up on the couch.

But yesterday was a VERY productive day and it was a great day because I participated in a couple of great recovery activities and really got outside of myself. For this alcoholic, getting outside of myself is absolutely necessary in my recovery. It's necessary for me to do everything I can to assist in my own recovery and help others in theirs.

Before I went to inpatient treatment I began outpatient treatment where I live. I only did about two weeks before going to inpatient. Part of my continuing care program in leaving inpatient was to start back into outpatient treatment upon my return home. So I started outpatient treatment all over again. I had a completely different outlook on life though so I was happy to start over and continue to learn. It was three nights a week at one of our local treatment centers and we were required to attend three 12 step meetings a week. I enjoyed going to both the classes at the treatment center and was more than happy to attend the three meetings and then some. Once six weeks is complete in the outpatient program you can then attend the Aftercare program which is once a week. You are not required to attend (unless legally you have to) but it's just another recovery tool that is offered so I take advantage of it. I try to attend every week as part of my program and truly enjoy it. Aftercare is either Wednesday morning at 10 or Thursday evening at 6. I have been attending Thursday night but yesterday I attended Wednesday which is a much smaller group than the Thursday. Since it's a much smaller group it has the feel of group therapy. It's wonderful to receive support in this setting. Someone was struggling very much yesterday with some things going on in her life. Instantly she had received 4 phone numbers of women she can call at any time she needs to talk. She knows we will not judge her or make her feel bad - we will just listen and share experience, strength, and hope. It's awesome to know that such supportive groups can exist for those of us in recovery.

Yesterday evening at 5pm I went to the local inpatient treatment center in our city. They hold a group every Wednesday evening called "Bridge Group" in which those of us already out in the "real world" in recovery go into the treatment center and answer questions that the patients have. It is meant to help "bridge the gap" between treatment and the real world for those currently in treatment. I know when I was in both inpatient and outpatient treatment I so appreciated those who volunteered their time to come in and speak to us. I had no idea what life was going to be like once I was out of treatment so having people in recovery come in and give us honest opinions on what worked for them was very comforting. Some of my friends in the recovery community go to Bridge Group often and invited me. It was a really great experience. The patients write down questions on a piece of paper anonymously and we answer them in the order that we pull them out of a can. If even one thing that we said touched one person then it is a success in my book. I hope to be able to do this at least once a month. It is also a good reminder to me that not long ago I was the one in treatment. I was the one feeling that way. I pray to never go back to that stage of the game.

As I said, today was pretty much a wash. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better because I have a lot of things that I need to take care of. So here's to bed early, sleeping well, and tomorrow being a new day!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Celebrating 8 months of a new, wonderful way of life!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! From the most awesome English Bulldog "little" Rocko!

I hope everyone had a great and safe Christmas and New Year's Eve/New Year's Day. Our holiday week was extremely busy but also a lot of fun and filled with friends and family. I really couldn't have asked for anything more. One of the highlights of the week was meeting my little niece Cadence for the very first time! She was born in April but since she lives in Florida we haven't gotten to see her yet. I absolutely fell in love with this little doll baby. I can't believe she lives so far away! I see some Florida trips in the near future!

This being my first holiday season sober, I didn't know what to expect. I am extremely fortunate that even with all of the family gatherings that I attended, I never once had to be around alcohol. I know this isn't the case for everyone so I am thankful for that. The living "one day at a time" certainly contributed to my stress level being much lower this year than in year's past. I knew I had a ton of stuff going on but I just didn't let myself get overwhelmed and worried about it like I have before. That doesn't mean I wasn't rushing around cleaning and cooking like a mad woman...that will probably never change. But it was a different feeling altogether and it was great!

I was so busy for a few days that I let myself get a little complacent about getting to meetings as often as I normally do. I went I believe 5 days without which is very unusual for me. I realize that I am not at a point where I can do that. I start getting way too irritible and discontent. I attempted to go to one on Monday night but as I was in the drive thru at Starbucks right before, I received a phone call that my family was on the way to the ER because Rocko and Will were playing rough like they usually do and this time Rocko's claw ended up on Will's lip. It ended up not even needing stitiches thank goodness but it was still a pretty good scare. Needless to say I didn't end up making my meeting that night. The next day I said come hell or high water I was getting to a meeting or I was going to commit homocide. HA! Lucky for everyone in my house I made it to one. And what a relief. Such a feeling of peace and contentment came over me. Amazing.

For New Year's Eve we didn't have any big plans. In fact we planned on just staying home. We usually travel on New Year's but we didn't this year. Certainly we weren't going to attend any big parties going on. I thought that I was okay with staying home. But as the afternoon progressed I started feeling kind of sorry for myself. Like, woe is me. I have to sit at home while everyone else goes out and does fun things. This is going to be just like any other night at home, nothing special. And don't get me wrong, I love nights at home. But I started to get in the self pity mode which is not a good place to be in. I knew there was a big New Year's event going on in the recovery community but I hadn't planned on going. Why not, I don't know. I started tossing the idea around of going. I started thinking it would be good for me to go and be around other people in recovery. So I discussed it with Tommy and we decided we would go out to eat and then to the recovery event. I picked myself up out of the funk, put on a sequined hot pink shirt and glittery eye shadow, and off we went. I was in a better mood even before we left the house because I started telling myself how silly I was being. Who says that just because I'm sober I have to sit at home in sweats on New Year's Eve. NO ONE that's who. Thank goodness my husband was willing to just get up and go out with me since that wasn't our original plan.

Most restaurants were extremely busy as to be expected but there was this new Japanese restaurant that wasn't too busy. We decided to try it out and when we walked in so did two of my longtime friends with their kids! We were doing hibachi so we ended up all sitting together and it was really a great time. I got to spend time with my husband, catch up with some old friends, and eat great food. After dinner Tommy and I killed some time shopping then we went to the recovery event downtown. I was SO glad that I decided to go. I was blessed with hearing a great speaker tell his story and spend some time with some friends I have made over the past year in this awesome sober community that we have. I told my sponsor I had been in a funk that afternoon and she said something that was very true: "Just remember, it's just another day." Very true. Yes, it was New Year's Eve but it was also just another day. Another day to celebrate sobriety, all the blessings in my life, and to spend an evening with good friends who genuinely care about me. Hubby and I came home after the event and relaxed and watched the NYE shows. We made it until midnight...barely!

So here's to 2011 being over and starting a brand new chapter in 2012. 2011 has been the best and worst year of my life. I like to think that the year didn't truly start until around mid May of 2011 because that is when I truly began becoming sober and that is when my life truly began in my eyes. I am so thankful for everything that I have today and hope to continue the sober trend into 2012 and beyond!