Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yeah, about that whole "recovering alcoholic" thing...

So I decided to go ahead and put "recovering alcoholic" in the "About Me" section on this blog. I questioned it but it is such a huge part of my life now that I can't really blog about my life and leave that part out. I started to wonder, what is the big deal if people know I am a recovering alcoholic? I am proud of the work I have done on myself and the changes I have made in my life and I have no reason to hide it really. I understand that some people do like to keep it to themselves and that is okay. I get it. But for me, I'm throwing it out there. So there it is.

And just how did this all come about? For the past few years most people knew I liked to drink. I was kind of known for that. Everyone knew I loved wine, everyone knew I was always up for going out and having a good time, and if you had questions about wine or liquor, come to me. I've got the answers. I'm not saying that I didn't have some fun times - I did. But what most people didn't see was that my life was spiraling out of control in every aspect. I was not the same person anymore. I was becoming a selfish person who didn't care about consequences, who didn't care about hurting those I love, and didn't care how I looked to other people. It was a nasty spiral.

I'm not about to sit here and tell my whole story yet. I'm nowhere near a point in my sobriety to do so. But a few things I will say just to get them out there. Knowing that alcoholism is a disease is huge to me. It's somewhat comforting to know that I didn't do anything to cause this problem. I have it inside of me, my brain is actually different than a non-addict/alcoholic's brain. Seeing that demonstrated by a doctor who knows his stuff was pretty amazing. I was doomed from the start with my family history and there really was not much I could have done to prevent it from wreaking havoc on me. Knowing what I know now about alcoholism, I look back at my childhood and teen years and know that I had all of the symptoms of a future alcoholic/addict. More on that in a later post. Knowing that alcoholism does not discriminate is a biggie I think. I sit in meetings with doctors, lawyers, surgeons, teachers, coaches, restaurant workers, men, women, young, old, every ethnicity, etc. Anyone can have this. The damn disease will eat you alive no matter what kind of purse you carry or what kind of car you drive. I'm proof of this. Knowing that there are others out there like me has been a great thing. I'm NOT alone in this.

So what happened? Someone smacked me upside the head is what happened. Not literally of course (though it should have happened probably at times). Between my mom and my husband I think I finally was pushed to the brink of a nervous breakdown. I was out of control and they kept pointing it out and as any good alcoholic/addict I was in denial and made excuses for every damn thing I did. After a lot of tears, arguing, hurting everyone around me, I surrendered to the fact that I did have a problem. Something was wrong. Was I willing to admit that I was a bad alcoholic? Eh, not at that point probably but I knew something had to give. Tommy said I could go away to rehab somewhere to get better. This was crucial to me - the going away part. I could not get better here. I had to be away from everything. Some people don't have to, but I did.

May 2nd I was admitted to Cumberland Heights in Nashville, TN for their inpatient 30 day program. Was I scared? Yes. Was I angry? Yes. Was I grateful? Yes. I was about 50 emotions all wrapped up into one scared 29 year old woman. I'll detail more of the rehab experience later but that 30 days changed my life in every way possible. I can never repay everyone there for what they did for me. I made some amazing new friends, had the best counselors, doctors, speakers, etc. that anyone could ask for. That place saved my life. My husband allowing me to go there saved my life. I am eternally grateful. I came home a completely different woman. I was still me in the good ways, but had a totally different outlook on life.

I've been home almost 3 months now and things are better than I could have ever asked for. I have a wonderful sponsor who I speak with a few times a week, I am working the steps of a great program, I go to at the very least 3 meetings a week, I did IOP at home for 6 weeks after returning from Nashville and now am in Aftercare once a week. I also changed my phone number, deleted a myriad of people from Facebook, and dropped a lot of "friends" that I had been hanging out with before. My life is amazing now. It's simple. I have to work hard every day for the amazing part, I won't lie. But I am happier now than I've ever been before. I pick up my 4 month chip on Friday.

So for anyone reading this who knew me as the drinker, don't worry. I'm still fun to be around, I just won't be throwing back the drinks with you anymore. I had one of my closest friends say to me, "I feel so bad about mentioning drinks on your birthday now! I had no idea!" Don't feel bad. This is the first time I'm throwing it out there. Very few people knew about all of this. I wasn't ready to throw it out there until now. So please don't feel bad about anything you have said or done. I'm completely comfortable with my new life (except on the days when I'm not - HA!) so you should be too.

I think that's it for now. I could go on about this subject for hours but I'll save it for later posts. I just needed to get this out there so some of the things I will write about make more sense. Thanks for listening!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Football and Futbol Saturday!

Fall is a busy sports season in our house. We usually have three kids playing soccer among other things like karate, gifted and talented programs, and other various things. This year we have a little bit of a change. Will is playing football for the first time! Tommy is beside himself with excitement as he LOVES football. I think college football opening day is possibly his favorite day of the year. Anyway, so today was Will's very first football game ever. We couldn't have asked for a better team color either - Kentucky Wildcats blue! Does it get any better for Tommy? I think not. Watching a bunch of first and second graders play football is way better than any other activity I could have planned for the morning. Will was a little star out there! I give you number 38...

In addition to Will's game, Tabi had a soccer game this morning. Isn't it fun trying to be in two places at once? Ugh. I opted to go to Will's game since it was his first one ever. I rarely miss a soccer game of hers so I don't think she minded too much. They have had some rough games this week against bigger schools. She is doing great this year though! I could never play soccer. They are ROUGH out there. No thank you. I give you number 1...Tommy had oral surgery yesterday. Ouch! Something about extraction and cadaver bone. If I hear anything else about that part of it I might faint so moving right other news, apparently yesterday a bat flew into my Granny's house. She was told by my uncle to NOT shoot it with a BB gun which was her first instinct but in true Granny-pro-BB-gun-shooting form she nailed it despite being told not to! HA! Moral of the story - don't mess with Granny.

Friday, August 26, 2011

House Whirlwind

For those of you who don't know, the past couple of years have been crazy for us in the housing department. In November 2009 we were driving around a neighborhood near our house looking at lots for sale. Somewhat daydreaming. Then we stumbled upon a house that was for sale for an extremely good price for the neighborhood. It needed some work and some updating but we aren't afraid of that by any means. After much discussion we decided to purchase the house and remodel it. The lot/yard sold us on the house and the idea of more room was pretty fab also. So in November 2009, we bought and moved into this house:

On a nice sunny, breezy fall day in November 2010, my husband was out raking leaves with Rocko, Tabi was inside asleep, I was at work, and all the sudden Tabi came running out of the house yelling "Fire!" Sure enough, the house was on fire. Tommy ran in and started throwing out what he could but within just a short time we lost pretty much everything. The outside of the house didn't look bad but the inside was pretty much gutted. Culprit = wood burning fireplace. The whole experience was exhausting and emotional. Not quite what we had in mind for a remodel....

We were lucky enough to move into a condo right up the street while our new home was being built. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade right? We decided we might as well go ahead and build basically our dream house at this point. We know we don't want to move again, we wanted something we all would love, and we had a lot of visions in mind already. So we took off with it. In June 2011 our new home was complete and we were able to move in. That is the last two years of our house experiences in a nutshell. Consider this the abridged version. I could write for days on all of this. Our beautiful new home:

In between all of this going on my 17 year old sister moved in with us and we became her legal guardians, we bought our dog a month before buying the new house in 2009, I went away to rehab for a month, and a whole lot of other assorted events occurred.

We are thankful now to be living in our new home and enjoying a mostly normal, boring life. Life is life and things will happen but for the most part we just hang out at home and do our thing. And sing to our dog. Oh, did I mention we sing to our dog? It's true. We are nuts. Enjoy. HA

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome to our life!

Those of you who know me are probably thinking, "Is she doing ANOTHER blog??" Yes, yes I am. I am no longer going to keep up with any of the other ones - heck, I haven't for a long time. I had the blog when my brother was in Iraq, I had the cooking & baking blog, I had the blog for when our house was being makes my head spin. I'm now just combining everything into this one spot. This will be a place for my family and friends to keep track of what is going on with us and for me to have a place to organize my projects so I don't go nuts trying to do so in my own head! Get ready for a mix of all sorts of things - house projects, trips, cooking, family time, and of course, our bulldog Rocko. It's his world, we just live in it, let's be honest. HA! So enjoy keeping up with our family - hang on tight because it can get busy and we are all running in a hundred different directions on any given day!
Love you all,