Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's baaaack....whatever "it" is

Sunday afternoon I went to my wonderful women's group and when I got home, hubby was working in the garage on some projects. Typically I like to go down there with him and keep him company and piddle around when he is doing that. That night though I felt SO exhausted. The thought of getting up out of the floor (Okay, really I was sitting in Rocko's dog bed...) to hand him a screwdriver or whatever else he asked for was exhausting to me. I thought, well, I am just tired from the weekend.

Monday I woke up and was SO exhausted that I didn't want to do anything. And my mind seemed kind of foggy. Like I couldn't concentrate on anything. I went to a meeting that night and though I was hearing what was being said in the reading, I couldn't focus and really HEAR what was being said. I did admit this shortcoming in the meeting in case you are wondering...HA! I couldn't figure out what was going on until Tuesday afternoon when my fingers and wrists started hurting. Then I knew what was going on. IT was back. IT being this strange autoimmune disease that my mother also has. I had these symptoms a couple of months ago, went to the doctor and was given a steroid and a high dose of Ibuprofen. I was told my ANA levels were slightly higher than normal and to call if the problem came back.

Well it's back in full force and maybe worse than last time. The swelling isn't as bad this time but the fatigue is way worse. My mom has these EXACT same symptoms. She has been all over the state trying to find out what is wrong with her. She has been given a long list of things it is NOT and some answers about a few things but no one has really been able to answer what exactly this is except that it is autoimmune. This all might be boring for some of you to read but I kind of want to document this for myself so when it comes back again I will know how it was this time.

So basically instead of today cleaning our back porch, going to my meeting tonight, and various other things, I've spend the day laying around doing nothing. My wrists hurt, my elbows hurt, my fingers hurt, my arms feel tired and my knees hurt. My fingers are not working right. I keep dropping things and typing is somewhat difficult as well. It's extremely frustrating and my mom said she thought she was going crazy for awhile when she had these same symptoms. Again...I got sober and now this is what I get??? Come on man!

So I have an evening ahead of me of doing not much of anything. The agenda is to watch American Idol, eat the pizza that I ordered and start a new book. I have a good book review coming up soon. Definitely one for all to read. Will post about it tomorrow if I feel better!

Signing off for now...

1 comment:

  1. That is so strange, poor you! When you had 'it' the last time, do you remember how long it lasted?
