Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tomorrow is Day 1

Tomorrow is Day 1. Day 1 of my journey to get back into a fit, healthy lifestyle. I have been putting it off and putting it off but it's time. My rear end says so!

I have always been into working out. I ran track and cross country in high school, worked out at our college gym during those years, and have belonged to several different gyms along the way. The longest I've gone without working out is probably 2-3 weeks. Before I went to rehab I had an extremely strict schedule as to when I worked out, what I did, what I ate, when I ate, etc. It was probably a little excessive honestly - I know, shocking that we alcoholics would be excessive about something right?? I went to rehab and worked out maybe 4 times while there and it was minimal. Yet another alcoholic trait of mine is that I'm very all or nothing. Well at that point, I became "nothing" as it pertained to working out and eating healthy. The food at my rehab was ridiculous. Full buffet for EVERY single meal. And I'm talking fried food, desserts as far as you could see, pastas, etc. You name it, we had it. I know their goal was to fatten some of us up because let's face it, some of us needed it. I gained some weight at rehab, totally lost any gumption to eat healthy and became pretty damn lazy in all honesty. I think that was the only negative thing about going but man, it's caught up to me now.

Now it's been 10 months. I NEVER got back into a routine that I needed to. I kind of have been eating whatever I want, whenever I want and not working out at all. I mean I walk the dog sometimes and small things but as far as exercising? Not so much. Especially for someone like me who has always been pretty hard core. I have building up to getting in the frame of mind to make the change and it's finally happened. I don't know if it's the fact that summer is coming or the fact that I KNOW how much better I feel when I am healthy in that manner but something has clicked and I'm now ready. Like I said, I'm "all or nothing" and now I'm in the ALL phase. Now, in saying that, this is something I have to watch. I have had issues in the past with eating and exercising so I have my hubby to yank a knot in my tail if I start obsessing over it all. My plan is to get back in shape, feel better physically and mentally, and have fun doing it. It's going to suck at first and I know that from experience but as so many things I've done in my life this past year, I know that the end will justify the means.

So tomorrow it starts. I got rid of all of my favorite junk food snacks, bought a ton of healthy food (which I actually like so I don't know why I ever get away from it), and have my p90x DVD's ready to go tomorrow. I've never done that particular program but I know my body can handle intense workouts so I say bring it on. I had hubby take "before" pictures tonight for me. I wore my bikini that I like to wear the most in the summer. Bam! I looked at the rear pics and I had no idea that I was THAT out of shape. Geez. Okay, I have made the right decision in getting this party started. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not the girl who runs around saying, "Oh, I'm SO fat." I know I am not fat. BUT I am out of shape and I can tell. My body has shifted and is out of shape and jiggly and I don't like it. So bear with me here.

Tomorrow morning....egg whites for breakfast and p90x for a mid afternoon snack. Gulp. Here we go....

(I pray I can even move my little hands to type after the workout. I have a feeling my lack of working out over the past 10 months is going to show....)


  1. Oh I am still soooo putting it off hahaa

    I can "hear" you are really motivated, congratulations on your Day ONE, you'll do so well! I must absorb some of your motivation ;-)

  2. AT LAST I could post a comment! *phew* This time I tried from my work computer and it worked. It is so strange that Blogger doesn't fix this issue with commenting. I have tried for days to post a comment here, from my home computer and from different web browsers, but it did not work.

    It works in those Blogger-blogs that give the option Name/URL - maybe that is one option you can add?

  3. Hello, thanks for your blog, its awesome. I didnt go too far back as I am at work but can I ask how long you have been sober/in recovery? I just started on here last week and I am finding it to be a great outlet, although I dont have a clue how to design my blog, for all I know its a mess. How do I choose to follow you, do you know? I recently went back to the gym (last week), my man is a personal trainer and I feel like its some omen and that I have ran out of excuses. No more hangovers keeping me on the couch and a live-in trainer... geez
    Cheers to another 24 :)

  4. riversurfer - I am motivated! Today anyway. HA Hopefully I can stay on this wavelength!

    Mirror Mirror - Thank you! I have been sober for a little over 10 months. :) Reading through all of these blogs is an awesome outlet and so is writing. It's certainly not a substitute for anything else in my program but it's a fun little community anyway :) I think if you go down to the right side to my followers you can follow me there. Excuses are so easy to make right?? I'm really good at it. HA Cheers to you also! Nice to "meet" you!
