Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Let's Move In!

Hey all!  I haven't updated in awhile because we have been busy packing and moving in to our new home - finally!!!!!  I have had a lot of people ask for pictures and updates so now that we are finally in, I can take some time to do this.  Obviously a lot has happened over the past couple of months.  We moved in July 16th.  The house is NOT completely finished but it's certainly finished enough to move in.  The only things left to do are custom things - closets, sliding barn doors, bookcases, etc.  I am totally okay living without those things as long as I get to be here.  :)  So without further ado, here are some highlights from our past couple of months!

As most of you know by now, we have a moose.  Yes, that is right.  A moose.  Head.  A moose head.  Tommy has always wanted to have a moose head in the house and he finally got one.  His name is Mavis.  HAHA  He was in Canada and it took him awhile to get shipped to us because of customs.  No I am not kidding.  We went to pick him up and he was in a giant box and Tommy was like a little kid on Christmas peeking in at him.  I was unable to lift anything during this time because of my heart stuff going on so thankfully my "personal assistant" Sarah came over to help with the pickup and placement of Mavis!  

Here he is being carried upstairs to his forever home!
Here he is finally out of his box and put together!  In case you are wondering, he isn't as heavy as he looks and his antlers come on and off.  They are the heavy part honestly.  One little happy family here.  HAHA

The day that Mavis was hung was a very monumental day in the Forker household.  Father and son bonding occurred.  Will was just excited to be allowed up on the scaffolding I believe.  ;)

Tommy was very proud to finally have Mavis hanging in the house.  You can also see here the accent wall that we put in our living room.  This is western red cedar siding.  Tommy cut it to size and we polyurethaned it.  It looks awesome on that wall!

This isn't a great picture of the trim around the windows but all of the trim in the house around windows and doors is also cedar.  It is all natural western red cedar with polyurethane on it (2-3 coats).  I then sand each piece with 220 grit sandpaper and wax it for it's final sealant.

When you walk inside from the garage we have a half bath.  I have posted pictures before of the sink top that we built.  Here is a picture of it now with the copper sink basin and the hardware on it.  Tommy is still in the process of finishing the cabinet for it.  I love the copper and I love the unique faucet that we bought!

I was VERY happy the day that my appliances were delivered!  We ordered Whirlpool appliances this time.  I had all Kitchenaid in the last house and we had nothing but problems with every single appliance so we went with something different this time.  So far so good!  I wanted a double over but didn't want to waste the cabinet space in this house so I compromised with this stove/oven combo.  

After having a pretty darn small refrigerator at the apartment this refrigerator seems HUGE!  I love it!  That middle drawer is a crisper drawer - I get a lot of questions about that.  

One of my favorite parts of the house is the screened in back porch.  Sarah and I worked for hours on end staining all of the woodwork back here.  The ceiling was especially time consuming but it looks so beautiful now that it is mostly finished. 

The stair treads for our staircase have been a labor of love without a doubt.  I posted pictures previously of the big chunks of cedar and how I distressed them and how Tommy hand hewn the fronts of them.  The next parts of the process were all me and I actually really enjoyed doing it.  We setup a place in our master bedroom where I had room to work on this efficiently.  First I did a coat of shellac on each stair tread.  Once that dried, I then did 3 coats of floor polyurethane.  It's so amazing how the color changes after the shellac and poly.  They looked so beautiful!

Remember that rusted tin that we got from my great aunt and uncle's barn?  Now you get to see what we did with it!  We wanted to use it for a couple of accents walls, one of which was on the side of our staircase.  The other as a chair rail in our half bath.  Tommy got to work measuring and cutting first. 

Once the pieces were measured and cut we had to clean them.  We started by scraping off some of the bigger tar chunks  We left some for character.  We then scrubbed each piece down with a stiff brush and lacquer thinner.  Once that dried we then sprayed each piece with a clear lacquer.  I think it looks pretty awesome and it's a very personal thing to me.  Love it! (Oh yeah, see that big bright white outlet cover?  Yeah we had that changed to dark brown ;)

Once the stair treads all dried, it was time to install them!  As you can see my very manly strong husband was ready to tackle this project!  The pictures below of the stair treads on the staircase were taken before the risers were put in so the space between treads is now also covered. :)

Having our new TV's delivered was a pretty exciting event!  Tommy ordered a 75 inch TV for the living room which sounded entirely too big to me but once it was up on the wall, it actually didn't look too big.  The size was proportional to the fireplace and the mantle so it all worked out.  

Then there was the mailbox post.  This thing is massive.  I couldn't understand just how massive until I saw it finished.  Tommy made this out of solid cedar posts.  He built it using mortise and tenon joints with wood pegs.  He is very into timber framing so this was a fun yet labor intensive project for him. :)

Here he is with his masterpiece!  This was before the post was stained but you get the idea.  :)  He ordered nice big copper mailbox to go with it.  

As I mentioned, we moved in about a week ago so a lot of things are still in the process of being finished.  I will continue to update this blog as projects are completed.  I also have some furniture being delivered and a lot of decorating to do that I will also post about.  We are taking our time on this house to make sure everything is exactly how we want it since we hope this is finally our "forever" home.  Stay tuned to more from the Forker's!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Then My Heart Stopped. Literally.

Happy Saturday night everyone!  I want to write this post for a few reasons.  First, I am pretty open about things that go on in my life and I process a lot by writing about them.  Second, people have started to ask me what is going on with me lately and this will be a very easy way to let a lot of people know at once.  Third, as I have been going through all of this over the past few months, I have gotten so much out of reading other people's experiences through their blogs, message boards, and them sharing their stories.  If there is one thing that I have learned in sobriety it is that to be able to find people who are going through what you are going through and who truly understand you is priceless.  I hope by writing this post and sharing my journey as it goes on I can help give someone some comfort or just show them that they are not alone.  

I will try to keep this all as short and succinct as possible but we will see how it goes!

I fainted for the first time in the 4th grade.  At school.  In class!  I always felt awkward enough as it was but to faint in the middle of class, fall backwards out of my chair, bang my head on the floor and convulse....well, that gave me a whole new level of weirdness.  At least in my head.  All I remember is feeling a little funny and then waking up with my teacher and classmates all around me panicked.  My best friend was crying.  I think back now and it must have been frightening because 4th grade is young for that to happen!  I was wheeled to the nurses office and picked up by my mom who immediately took me to the doctor to get a check up to make sure that I was okay.  I think they chalked it up to heat because at the time my elementary school had no air conditioning.  

As the years went on, my fainting became somewhat of a family joke.  It mainly happened at doctor's offices or in medical situations.  It happened after a shot for poison ivy.  It happened when I got my braces off at the orthodontist.  After the fact mind you.  Mortifying.  It happened one morning when I was at home and I had an eye infection.  I was looking in my eye in a mirror in our bathroom and next thing I know I am waking up in bed.  I fainted and my stepdad had to carry me to my room.  I fainted after my first pap smear with no pants on yet (!!!).  Luckily my gynecologist was a very kind man who had also delivered me as a baby. Neither here nor there but what an awkward experience!  It began to frustrate me and embarrass me most of all.  

I could go through every moment I have fainted in my 34 years but it would take an entire post.  I will just say that it has happened during nearly every medical thing possible - after a chiropractor appointment, during a blood draw, before a flu test, during a mammogram, and at multiple convenient cares.  In my early 20's it happened at home for the first time in years in the middle of the night.  I woke up feeling nauseated so I got up to go to the bathroom and I didn't make it.  I face planted between our bathroom and bedroom.  I knocked out one of my front teeth, cracked another, got a black eye, and hurt my knee.  I never did get sick.  Just the fainting and feeling horrible.  Some of my friends can attest to how horrible that experience was.  I looked like I had been beaten.  In fact someone asked one of my friends if my husband was abusing me because who believes a story like what had actually happened? 

In the past few months I have fainted at a convenient care, during a mammogram (yes, DURING), at the cardiologist, and twice at home.  The two times at home have been the ones that were concerning.  It was just like a few years ago - I woke up in the middle of the night and felt nauseated.  Go to the bathroom in case I vomit and down I go.  I try to yell for my husband usually but it's usually too late and I can't get the words out.  He hears the commotion or Rocko comes in and makes a commotion.  Like I said, we always kind of just joked that I am a fainter, no big deal.  My family doctor knew that I did  it and obviously so did a lot of other doctors in my life.  Everyone just said, "Oh, she has "white coat syndrome!""  

In December 2015 I had my blood work done with my family doctor.  I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 18 and have been medicated since then so I get blood work done frequently to check on things.  Over the past couple of years I have had several things "off" with my blood work indicating that I most likely have an autoimmune disease of some sort.  So he referred me to a rheumatologist to look further into things.  

I had my first appointment with the rheumatologist in April.  He was fantastic.  He did a full physical on me, asked me a TON of questions, and did a full blood workup.  I will save all of the autoimmune disorder discussion for another post because that is a whole other monster.  While I was in his office getting my physical, I nearly fainted two times which was not a surprise.  I have gotten to where I tell every nurse and doctor, "Hey, I am a fainter so be prepared.  I can usually give warning but not always!"  He was actually kind of glad he saw that happen because he noticed as I switched positions from laying down to sitting up quickly was when it happened.  He asked me if I had ever had a cardiology workup and he was pretty surprised when I said no.  Honestly it had never occurred to me.  I am pretty healthy overall.  Going to a cardiologist sounds scary and serious!  Why do that?!  I'm fine!  He insisted that I go see one to get some tests done to check on things so off I went to make that appointment.  

On May 2nd (which coincidentally was my 5 years sobriety anniversary!), I saw the cardiologist for the first time.  My mom went with me because I was pretty nervous and well, as you know, I faint all of the time at appointments so having a driver is pretty necessary!  He hooked me up to an EKG machine and said that everything looked pretty normal with that.  That was good news!  Then he started talking to me about my symptoms and my episodes.  I explained to him that they were always the same - I had about 20 seconds warning typically.  I get tingly, hot, sweaty, clammy, pale, and my blood pressure drops.  Down I go.  I convulse.  I wake up drenched, confused, and exhausted.  Then I am exhausted the rest of the day.  He asked how often it had happened and I told him 4 times over the past 3 months.  His response was, "Well, you know I can no longer let you drive."  WHAT?!  WHAT?! I wasn't expecting that.  I gave my mom a look.  The, "Is this guy crazy? Do something mom!  Tell me that isn't fair!" look.  But he was serious.  He said that until I am 6 months "faint free" that he cannot let me drive for my safety and the safety of others.  I tried bargaining.  But, but...I have never fainted while driving!  I have only fainted in medical night...and....crap.  He was right.  I suppose it COULD happen anytime.  I was pretty upset.  I am not going to lie.  I mentally turned into a 5 year old child having a tantrum.  I only let out maybe 40% of the tantrum with my mom.  That was a win in my book.  HA!  So aside from that life changing news, he said that he felt most likely this was what is called Neurocardiogenic Syncope or NCS.  He wanted to run me through several tests just to make sure and to rule out other things.  He said that one thing they can do for NCS is give an SSRI but I have already taken one for years and it was obviously not helping.  So he said for now to up my salt intake and drink twice as much water as I had been drinking so as to stay hydrated.  So I left there with several more appointments and no license.  It wasn't funny at the time but it is now - my mom said isn't it ironic to lost my drivers license on my 5th sobriety anniversary.  Hardy har har....  So I sat in some self pity and worry for the rest of the day after eating a lot of ice cream.  I looked up symptoms though and lo and behold....I have experienced almost ALL of these things.  

Then I started looking up stuff online.  This can be a good or a bad thing as most of us know.  For me I enough of a realist to not get bogged down with the overly dramatic information about conditions so I stuck to the basics and began looking up things about NCS.  It all made sense!  I also found a couple of Facebook groups and some message boards online and I couldn't believe how many other people experienced these same things!  It was comforting to me and I found a lot of helpful information.  

Over the next few weeks I had several different things done.  And I had no license. Very inconvenient but luckily I have a lot of great friends and family willing to help me.   

Echocardiogram - That was painless and shockingly, I did NOT faint!  Surprisingly!

Holter Monitor - During my first doctor appointment I was given a holter monitor that I had to wear for a week.  I am told that is a pretty short time to have to wear one so I feel lucky that was the case.  The holter monitor was painless, just very inconvenient.  No one wants a bunch of wires hanging off of them at all times attached to sticky electrodes.  I also had to make sure I was with my handy dandy little blackberry looking monitor at all times so they could record the data.  I was to press the buttons on the monitor if I had any symptoms of syncope.  I ended up with no syncope symptoms during that time which was a bit disappointing.  I kind of wanted them to have an episode to record honestly.  I even got strep throat during that time and just KNEW I would faint with the penicillin shot but no dice.  What I DID get from the holter monitor though was horrible blisters, horrible itching and burning and now scars (that I am sure will go away) from the glue and stickiness of the electrodes.  I learned that from now I have to ask for the "kid" ones or hypoallergenic.  If you have sensitive skin I suggest that! It was painful!!!

Stress Test - I went in ready to get on a treadmill and do my thing.  I used to be a distance runner!  I love high impact workouts!  I love the gym!  I am ready for this!  Or at least the old me was.  The new me....not so much as it turns out.  I got all hooked up, started walking.  Then walking faster.  Then came the run.  I ran for about a minute and a half and I could feel the symptoms starting.  The light headedness, the tingling, the drop in blood I told the nurse and she said, "oh yes, honey you are PALE!" She helped me down to the table and my blood pressure was 70 over something.  I was out of it so I didn't catch the bottom number but yikes on the top one.  She said it was good to see that though.  Any information was helpful at this point.  So boo on the stress test.  Where is distance runner April!?

After all of those tests, I had an appointment with a different cardiologist.  He is a cardiac electrophysiologist.  They focus on the "electrical" system of the heart.  He said that the results of my tests didn't show anything major to be concerned about.  I thought, all of that for nothing?! He said that he did think it was just NCS and he discussed the salt intake, staying hydrated and compression stockings with me.  I asked him if I could drive again since everything seemed fine and he said he wanted to do one more test just to rule out anything else and that was going to be a tilt table test.  He wanted to rule out POTS and anything else that might be going on.  So off I went with my compression stocking prescription and renewed hope that maybe, just maybe I would be able to drive again soon!  

Check out my newest accessory - aren't these fun?  Actually no.  They are just hot and itchy but hey, I will do what he says to do at this point!  Although they do actually give me probably more of a tan look than I will get naturally.  Hm.  

So this past Tuesday I went in for my tilt table test.  I had read up on it and had it explained to me by the nice nurse who called the day before.  It seemed pretty harmless.  I had read several people have bad experiences with it but I thought, well, I will be strapped down so what is the worst that can happen?  (If you are curious what this test is all about, click --> here!)

I got in the room, they got me all hooked up to a heart monitor, blood pressure cuff, and got my IV in and I was told just to relax until the procedure.  Tommy thought I would faint with the IV but I didn't.  Probably because I was laying down the whole time.  

Here I am waiting on the procedure.  Thumbs up!  Let's get this thing started!

The nurse explained to me that they would raise/tilt the table up slowly from laying down to about a 70 degree angle.  She said I would then "stand" in that position for 20 minutes.  If nothing happened then I would lay back down and they would give me something in my IV to get my adrenaline pumping.  I would then be stood back up for another 20 minutes.  They basically try to get you to have syncope symptoms or at least pre-syncope while hooked up to everything so they can monitor you.  I told my mom, "I don't see how them just standing me up is going to make me faint."  Ahem.  Oh hello.  Let me just eat those words.  As soon they started tilting me I could feel it.  I stood for about 15 seconds and I looked at the nurse and said, "It's happening.  I feel it. I'm going to...." and next thing I knew I was waking up to my doctor saying, "April, say something.  Say something!"  I was disoriented and hot and icky but I managed a, "Uh..."  The nurse said, "Wow!  You might win the award for the quickest fainter on our tilt table test!"  Oh good.  Just the award I want.  But guess what?!?!  They finally FINALLY saw something!  I didn't say it was a GOOD something but it was SOMETHING!!! heart stopped beating.  That's right.  Flatline.  See that little printout down there?  See that flat line?  Not supposed to be flat.  It turns out that when I was "out" my heart stopped for 7 seconds.  It started to come back very slowly as I started to wake up.  This was obviously a cause for concern.  I mean...a heart stopping can't be good!  He asked if that was how it always felt and I said yes which lead him to believe that anytime I have fainted this has happened.  Which means my heart has stopped before.  A LOT.  I was like so.....what does this mean?  What do we do now??

To make a long story short he said that we could try medication but he wasn't so sure that would help in my case.  He said we could implant a loop recorder in my chest to record my heart activity 24 hours a day.  That way the next time I have a syncope episode it records what is happening.  We can then see if yes, my heart is stopping every time.  If that is the case then we would without a doubt insert a pacemaker.  Or the other option was to go ahead and insert a pacemaker at that time.  I wasn't expecting ANY of that and it all seemed a bit overwhelming to me.  I did tell him though that he was the doctor and that I would do whatever he suggested.  He consulted with a colleague and decided that he would put me on Midodrine 3 times a day which is a medication for low blood pressure and we would implant the loop recorder.  He asked would I want to go ahead and do that today if they could get a spot in the OR?  Did I WANT to?  NO.  But I also wanted to get everything over with.  I was already at the hospital, hooked up to an IV and my mom was there and hubby was on his way.  I didn't want to go home and be anxious about it so I said, yes, let's do it as soon as possible.  He made a few calls and next thing I knew I was on my way upstairs to a room to get prepared for the procedure.  I had just wanted french toast that day.  I hadn't intended on all this!

This is where the loop recorder gets inserted.  It is about the size of a regular memory stick.  

I had never had any surgical procedure done other than wisdom teeth extraction so I was a little nervous.  They asked if I wanted them to give me anything to calm my nerves but as a recovering alcoholic/addict my immediate answer is "NO!"  So I just rolled with it the best I could.  They asked me a bunch of questions and before I knew it, I was on my way.  It all happened VERY fast.  The OR was FREEZING cold but they let me have heated blankets until time to get prepped.  Thank you Heart Hospital nurses!  For the implant procedure they only give you a local anesthesia so yes, you are awake the whole time.  Once I was all prepped my doctor came in and they covered my head.  WHY ARE YOU COVERING MY HEAD?!  I was a bit anxious!  And I'm super claustrophobic.  I was trying not to panic.  And then came the shot.  The numbing shot.  Which they assured me would be the worst part and at that point they were correct.  That shot is NO joke.  It hurts. It stings.  It burns.  It's like a penicillin shot in the chest/left breast.  I wanted to climb off the table.  And then I could feel the poking and prodding and pulling as he cut the incision to implant the loop recorder device.  It didn't hurt necessarily, it was just uncomfortable.  And my syncope symptoms started but I was laying down so I didn't actually faint, I just had to get through them.  The procedure itself took a little under 2 minutes.  It was very fast.  I was most happy to get all of the stuff off of my face so I could breathe!  It took me a few minutes to cool down and calm down after having the syncope symptoms but before I knew it I was being wheeled back to my room.  

Here I am after the procedure - see?  Still thumbs up!  Though at this point I was feeling a bit more thumbs down....

As the numbing potion wore off I was in pain at the incision site but they said that was normal obviously due to the procedure.  I had to stay about another hour in the hospital for them to monitor me and give me instructions on the device. The recorder can stay in up to 3 years OR until I have another syncope episode.  I can't remember the last time I even went 6 months without an episode so I am guessing that I will get it before 3 years.  The recorder will record everything going on 24 hours a day.  If I have symptoms or actually faint, I have a small remote that I put up to the chest area and press a button so that it flags that part of the monitoring.  If the next time this happens my heart stops again, I will have to get a pacemaker.  My cardiologist said that I should prepare for a pacemaker sooner rather than later, most likely in the next year or so.  I feel pretty young to have one (34!) but if it helps things then by all means, I will do it.

After leaving the hospital I went and had french toast at Cracker Barrel (that is all I wanted that day after all!) then came home to rest.  The pain at the incision site was getting worse and I was exhausted from fainting and the whole day.  It was a lot, especially for not being prepared for it.  Oh and he also said don't get my hopes up about driving anytime soon.  Boo.  A little more self pity thrown in my bucket.  HA!

The past few days have been kind of weird.  I have been in pain at the incision site but it is getting better every day.  Sleeping is the worst because I can't get comfortable.  I typically sleep on my side but I am having to lay on my back.  I can't lift my left arm, push or pull anything, or really do anything with my left arm because it hurts the muscles in my chest where all of this went on.  I know it will get better every day so I'm hanging in there.  I am exhausted.  I tire easily right now.  Making myself rest is NOT easy for me but I now have to remind myself that this is my HEART.  I HAVE to take care of myself because this is no joke.  I have an appointment next week to get my bandages all removed and to have wound check.  From there we kind of just wait and see what happens with the recorder.  I'm hoping something happens sooner rather than later honestly.  But a break from doctor's appointments will be nice.

If you made it through all of that, well, you must be one of those people who really loves me and cares about me because that was a LOT.  HAHA!  But when people ask me what is going on, it's hard to explain all of this quickly so it's all here now for anyone to visit if they have questions about what is going on with me.  It's been noticeable in my life and it has changed my life.  I can't drive now so I have had to give up some things that I have been used to doing.  That has been hard.  I am not able to exercise like I want to right now.  I tire very easily so I can't do as much as I want to be doing.  Thank you to everyone who has given me rides and given me support through all of this.  I am very blessed to have the friends and family that I have!

I will keep this updated because again, I have gotten so much out of other people writing about their experience so I want to do the same.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

So Close I Can Taste It!

Hello all!  Well as the title of this post tell you, we are so close to being finished that I can almost taste it!!!  We now have a move in date of July 16th so a little over month before we get to move into our new beautiful home.  It's been a long and busy road but I know we will love it and be thankful for having everything just how we want it.  Here are some recent updates:

This nice big hunk of cedar will be the sink top in the half bath.  Tommy hand hewn the front of it and I distressed the top of it.

Once the hole was cut in the top we were ready to make it pretty!  Tommy used a coat of his shellac flake/denatured alcohol mixture first.  I then put several (6 I believe!) coats of polyurethane on top of it to seal it.  More pictures to follow once the sink is in and the bottom cabinet is built!

Here is a close up of some of the distressing that I did to the top.

While on the subject of sinks, we bought two of these guys for the basement.  One will go in Tommy's wood shop and one will go in the bathroom. I love the deep sink for working purposes!

I decided that I wanted to do something a little different for the pantry door in our kitchen.  I have seen a lot of homes that have colorful doors to add a little pizazz and I decided I wanted that too!  The door below initially was white.  I spray painted it with a very dark brown spray paint for the underneath layer.  

As most of you know, I love Annie Sloan chalk paint so I decided to go with that method in Barcelona Orange for the door.  I painted two coats of the orange paint on top of the brown.  I then did one coat of Annie Sloan clear wax before sanding spots that I wanted to look distressed.  Once the distressing was finished I waxed with Annie Sloan dark wax and viola!  I now have a pretty cool pantry door!

Look at her hanging out there in the kitchen!

Tommy made the stair treads for our staircase out of the same cedar as the sink top in the half bath.  We are using the same method on the stair treads - distressing the tops and hand hewning the fronts.  Below is where I had my little distressing workshop.  I used all sorts of fun things to beat these treads - screwdrivers, hammers, screws, nails, big rocks, little rocks, big chains, pieces of was therapeutic to say the least :)  

These will get the same treatment as the sink top - the shellac/denatured alcohol mixture and the polyurethane.

One very exciting day was when our granite arrived!  I think this really made our kitchen look like a real kitchen.  This is Lapidus Gold granite and we love it!  It looks great with our cabinets and my copper sink.

This is the area where my prep sink was installed.  It will be beside the stove.  I had this in the last house and loved having it for a pot filler, pasta drainer, etc.

The front of this bar will be covered with the same stone as the fireplace.

We also ordered our appliances and they will be delivered next Monday.  Here is what my refrigerator will look like.  It will seem huge compared to the one in our current apartment!  I can't wait!

Tommy wanted to do the hearth of the fireplace himself so one night we spent cutting and fitting the big stones on the hearth of the fireplace.  These guys are very heavy!  Here is the worker himself getting things done!

Here it is in the process of getting the stones placed.  One more to go in this picture!

Below is the big pile of cedar trim in our garage.  One of my big projects over the past couple of weeks has been sanding every piece of this.  Whew!  I was happy to have that finished!

And last but not least, Mavis the moose has been ordered and will be arriving this week!  For anyone who thought we were kidding when we said Tommy was getting a moose head, well, we weren't kidding.  This is Mavis and he will go high on the wall in our living area between the two 2 story windows.  He looks HUGE in this picture so I am very interested in seeing him in real life.  I have a feeling Rocko is going to hate him so we shall see.  :) Never a dull house built by us! 

As I said, we are moving in just a little over a month so stay tuned to more updates!  They will be coming fast at this point.  Can't wait to finally live in our house in the little woods!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring is Here!

Happy Spring everyone!!!  I love spring but I especially love spring when building a house.  I much prefer this to those days of freezing and just trying to stay warm by the kerosene heater.  No thank you!

Oh!  Also, I finally changed the name of our blog.  "Life in the Meadow" seemed irrelevant now that we no longer live in Oak Meadow.  So we are now "Life in the Little Woods."

A lot of people have asked for some updates so here is what has been happening!  We are getting very close to being able to move in.  We are probably 6-8 weeks out which on some days seems like forever away but on some days it seems like it will be here before I know it!  Without further adieu...

This is the finished product of our accent wall in our master bedroom.  This is the same stone that was used on the fireplace in the living room as well as on the exterior or the house.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  It is so beautiful!!!  I feel like I'm living in a castle!

Here is a picture of the living room with the hardwood floor finished and the paint on the walls.  I love how the yellow on the walls looks with the hickory hardwood floor.  You will notice the top part of that wall isn't finished - what goes there??? That will be a cedar siding accent wall that will go up to the ceiling.  It will look great with the cedar stairs and posts already in the house!

Tommy's workshop in the basement is slowly but surely coming together.  All of his good lumber was at his friends house so it could be temperature controlled.  My helper Alex and I spent a day loading that all up and bringing it to the new house.  Whew!  What a workout!  Tommy and Alex built these shelves to hold the lumber.  There is a lot there!  Walnut, cherry, etc.  Ready to build things!

Getting the electrical in was pretty exciting!  I like seeing details get finished so this was fun for me.  We chose these lights for our master bedroom wall and I love them!  They will be great for reading lights at night!

These are the fixtures that we chose for our master bathroom.  Those big holes in the wall are for the medicine cabinets that Tommy is building.  :)

I absolutely love the light fixture that I found for our front entry.  I bought it at Barefoot Cottage in Newburgh - their stuff is so beautiful!  It has a lot of metal and rope detail which goes with our house perfectly.

These are the ceiling fans that we chose for all of the bedrooms.  They are nice and big and I love the wood on them!

We put three ceiling fans out on the back porch - I have a feeling this will be my favorite area once this place is all finished!

Since we love natural stone details we decided to add some of that to our front entry.  The guy who has been doing our stonework is Chris Boyer and I highly recommend him.  He does a great job!!!

I am in love with our master bathroom shower.  It's pretty big and I love how the tile turned out.  The glass doors are floor to ceiling and I can't wait use it!  

We made the shutters for the exterior of the house out of cedar then they were stained.  This a pretty simple project that really adds a lot!

Picture of the house once the shutters are up!  They look awesome!

So when you build a house you can't expect everything to go perfectly right?  Right.  We had a few bumps along the way over the past month or so.  We didn't kill each other or anyone else so I consider it a victory.  HA!  One of the big issues we had to deal with was our cabinets.  Oh the cabinets....  We prefer Amish made cabinets because, well, they do amazing work.  So we found a wonderful man (Norm Graber) in Odon who we decided to use. We met with him to go over everything and we were ready to go!  I was so excited to get them installed.  And when they came, this is what they looked like:

Now, to most people you would think, "Those are beautiful!!!"  And yes, they ARE beautiful.  And so well made.  But.  BUT.  Tommy is a woodworker and he is VERY sensitive about wood projects.  That is his thing.  So when we ordered natural cherry cabinets to have only a clear finish on them and we got these, he was a bit upset to say the least.  These appeared to be more of a walnut color.  They were pretty dark brown.  I am of the mindset, eh, I don't care.  They are fine!  But he was very bothered and we decided if we can get it fixed, let's get it fixed.  So he made the call and Norm was extremely understanding and helpful.  He said he would make all new cabinets due to the miscommunication of the color and it would be two weeks.

Below is a picture of the NEW cabinets.  See the difference in color?  This is the natural cherry with a clear finish.  This is exactly what we wanted and they are so beautiful.

This will be the island where the sink/dishwasher go.  The back side will be covered in stone and the granite countertops will be here soon as well!

Here are the bathroom cabinets along with the medicine cabinets that Tommy built.  The doors aren't on them yet but aren't they beautiful?  They match the cabinets perfectly.

Here is my pretty copper farmhouse sink that will go in the kitchen!  This was one of my big wants for this house and here it is!

The other big debacle of the past month were the interior doors.  This was what I like to call, "A whole thing."  We purchased special order knotty alder doors from Menards.  You can see on the right what they looked like when we bought them.  On the left is after I stained them.  We stained them with a cherry color stain.  They were beautiful!  But then.....

....but then Tommy was like, wait a minute!  What have I done?!  When he told me to stain them with this color, he wasn't thinking.  He wasn't thinking about the fact that all of our trim is going to be cedar.  Therefore, the doors were not going to match the trim AT ALL.  We went back and forth on what to do.  Tommy decided that the colors would be too different so we needed to fix these doors with the correct color of stain.  This turned into a huge process of trying different methods to do the fix.  We thought we might be able to strip the stain off of these doors and re-stain them.  Guess what? Stripper will not take off gel stain.  Neither will lacquer thinner or any other method you might think would work. We researched, we had our wonderful Sherwin Williams expert Louie come out and look at them and nothing worked.  We tried sanding them which was the only thing that would take the color off - however, they are veneer so sanding wouldn't work either.  In the end, after much deliberation we decided that in the long run the best thing to do was to buy all new doors and do them  in the color we wanted.  So, Alex and I loaded up these doors and took them to Habitat to donate them.  It pained me a bit because they were pricey and I put SO much work into them but I know we donated to a good cause so that softened the blow a bit.

Below are the new doors after I stained them the correct color.  If I never stain another door again, I will be pleased.  I think I was staining doors and door jambs in my sleep and my dreams.  But these are much more what we wanted so I'm glad we did it.

A fun little addition are these antique stained glass windows.  We went to our friend's new shop Honeysuckle Finds in Newburgh to have her help us build a light fixture for our dining area.  While there I mentioned that I liked these windows a lot and Tommy surprised me with buying them!!!  These will hang in the windows up on wall with the cedar siding.  They will be so beautiful!

The last picture of the day is a pile of cedar boards.  Exciting right? This might not look like much but this was a LOT of work. Tommy is pretty picky about what boards to buy and he has taught me to be the same way so when we buy any wood, we go through every single board and look for twisting, bowing, etc.  So this was an entire day of me going to both Evansville and Princeton Menards looking at boards.  In the end I still didn't get enough good ones for what we need but this is a pretty big start!  These boards will be used for our interior trim.  That will go up once the interior doors are up.

Those are the updates for now!!! Things are happening every day now and like I said, we are getting close.  Hopefully soon I will have a blog telling you that we are about to move in!  :)